IT Call Center
Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Main Phone: 907.761.HELP
The Mat-Su Borough School District recognizes that electronic tools can benefit student learning and improve academic performance. As a technology leader in Alaska, MSBSD is committed to providing parents with the tools and resources to assist their children and keep them safe. |
Use the links on the left (computer) or under the three dots above (mobile) to navigate tech information for parents, including information regarding the Parent App, District provided student devices, the MSBSD One-to-One Handbook, student Google rights, and more.
Also, check out the MSBSD Technology Video below, highlighting many of the great things happening in our district.
Additionally, explore a wide range of exciting summer learning opportunities tailored for MSBSD students, including popular options on the Clever Portal, by visiting this link for further details.