Program for Students with Visual Impairment
The Mat-Su Borough School District provides district-wide itinerant services for all students who experience a visual impairment or blindness. Dedicated, highly qualified staff- three Certified Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVI) and two Vision Paraprofessionals provide adapted braille, large print, and other materials, a variety of instructional techniques, and great support to students, families, teachers, therapists, and other staff.
Educating Students with Visual Impairments
Provide and adapt all educational materials to meet the student's visual needs. This may include:
- Braille textbooks and materials
- Tactile graphics and illustrations
- Large Print textbooks and materials
- Tactual Communication Symbols for students with Dual-Sensory Impairments (DSI) or Deaf-blind
Teach the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC), nationally mandated educational areas that meet the specific needs of students with visual impairments.
Direct instruction in the nine areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) to compensate for loss of vision. This includes:
- Assistive Technology
- Career Education
- Compensatory, Communication and Literacy Skills (Braille instruction)
- Independent Living Skills
- Orientation and Mobility (O&M)
- Recreation and Leisure
- Self-Determination
- Sensory Efficiency Skills
- Social Interaction Skills
Collaborate closely with all teachers and therapists to ensure success within the classroom and community
Program for the Visually Impaired Activities
Braille Club |
Regional Braille Challenge |
Tech Expo |
Adapted Downhill Skiing |
Eye and Vision Health |