Students in foster care often face significant educational disruptions, including frequent school changes. To address this, the Every Student Succeeds Act (2015) and the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act (2008) have established requirements to maintain the educational stability of these students. Specifically, these laws ensure that students in foster care remain in their "school of origin," unless it's determined not to be in their best interest. In Alaska, school districts and the Office of Children's Services (OCS) must collaborate to meet these federal requirements. The school district’s obligations include:
- designating a point of contact for OCS
- attending Best Interest Determination meetings
- advocating for students to stay in their “school of origin”
- ensuring immediate enrollment
- providing transportation when appropriate
Federal Programs Director
Dr. Keri Shannon
Phone: 907.746.9200
Fax: 907.746.9290
Administrative Assistant
Holly Peters
Phone: 907.746.9200
Program Coordinator
Wendy Dodge
Phone: 907.746.9200