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Career and Technical Education Overview

Career & Technical Education

Career & Technical Education





Hear what they are saying about Career & Technical Education (CTE) in MSBSD:

Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides an important pathway to success for students and offers each student opportunities to personalize his or her education based on their aptitude, abilities, interests, and unique learning needs. High school CTE connects students with postsecondary transitions to college, technical training centers, military, apprenticeships, and advanced entry into the workforce.

CTE programs additionally, offer academic integration, technical skills attainment, industry recognized certifications, work-based learning, career readiness, critical thinking skills, expert technician instruction, and 21st Century facilities.'

Eight years after their expected graduation date, students who focused on career and technical education (CTE) courses while in high school had higher median annual earnings than students who did not focus on CTE. ~ SEPTEMBER 2019 | U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

Choose any of our 8 PATHWAYS below to explore up to 32 different high quality CTE Programs of Study umbrellaed under these Pathways!

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    • Building
    • Business & Information Technology
    • Fitness/Sports Medicine
    • Health
    • Human Services
    • Natural Resources
    • Tourism & Culinary
    • Transportation

    Please fill out this form to let us know if you are interested in being an advisor or are a current advisor. Feel free to also directly contact us to learn more about this important opportunity.

    Career & Technical Education

    501 N. Gulkana St., Palmer, AK 99645

    (907) 746-9274