MSBSD Password Help
Check when you last changed your password:
- Sign in with
- Scroll down to ‘How you sign in to Google’ section and look for Password row, it will say when it was last changed
To log in to the Password Help link you may need to add to your Network ID (example:
Changes Single Sign-on password for:
These Microsoft products will require as part of your username.
Staff Password Requirements
Staff passwords expire twice a year; must change every 180 days.
- Minimum 8 characters
- At least one character from 3 of the 4 groups (uppercase, lowercase, number, special character)
- Your last 5 passwords can’t be re-used
- Cannot contain your first or last name
- If similar password is used, must change at least 3 characters
Student Password Requirements
Student passwords expire once a year; must change every 365 days.
NEW MSBSD Students (Grades 3 and above) must change their password before they will be able to sign in successfully.
- Grades K – 2
- Not required to be changed
- 5 Characters
- Grades 3-8
- 8 Characters
- Grades 9-12
- 8 Characters
- At least one character from 3 of the 4 groups (uppercase, lowercase, number, special character)
- Your last 5 passwords can’t be re-used
- Cannot contain your first or last name
- If similar password is used, must change at least 3 characters