Please see below for specific further information on your benefits:
Human Resources
Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Main Phone: 907.746.9250
Welcome to the Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District! We are excited that you have decided to join our team and hope to make your employment experience with us a very positive one. The information listed below will assist you with completing your new hire documents as well as provide guidance on what additional information Human Resources will need to receive from you once your paperwork is complete.
Principals and Assistant Principals (employees covered under the MSPA bargaining agreement)
Certified Employees (employees covered under the MSEA bargaining agreement including Teachers, OTs, PTs, SLPs, School Psychologists, Guidance Counselors)
Classified Employees (employees covered under the CEA bargaining agreement
School Support Staff, Nutrition Services, Operations & Maintenance, IT and Custodial)
School Support Staff, Nutrition Services, Operations & Maintenance, IT and Custodial)
Classified Supervisors (Employees covered under the MLMA bargaining agreement)
FBI Background CheckAll employees of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District must complete an FBI Background Check upon hire. All new hires will be required to make an appointment with Human Resources to have fingerprints completed. At that time you will be responsible for paying the $47.00 processing fee required by the State of Alaska. By completing an FBI Background Check you consent to the following statement found here.
Physical Examination Form
All Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District employees are required to get a physical within thirty (30) days of hire. This is a two-page form and you will need to ensure that you and your doctor have completed all questions and have signed where necessary. It is recommended that you wait until your District coverage begins before getting your physical as it will cover 100% of the cost. Information on reimbursements for physicals is included on the form. When requesting reimbursement, please include/make note of the following:
- If you are covered under any health insurance, please submit your bill to your health insurer before requesting a reimbursement
- Include a copy of the bill for your doctor visit
- Include a paid receipt
Please Note: For new hires, your insurance will be effective starting the first workday of the month following your first day worked. You may wait until your insurance starts before getting your physical as annual exams are covered under our insurance.