HR Forms
Co-Curricular Reactivation Paperwork
Coaches and sponsors who are not permanent employees of the District must complete a Co-Curricular Application or Co-Curricular Reactivation packet every school year. If you have coached in the past year, please complete the Co-Curricular Reactivation paperwork below. If you have never coached for the District and you are not a current employee, please contact the Human Resources Department at 907-761-4357 Ext 3 to complete the Co-Curricular New Hire paperwork.
Co-Curricular Reactivation Paperwork
Interested Person’s Reports (IPR) need to be updated with Human Resources every two (2) years for non-permanent employees. The original copy of the IPR must be on file with HR prior to the first practice/meeting and these reports can be obtained at the Alaska State Trooper’s office in Palmer.
Substitute Update Paperwork
Substitutes who have not worked with Mat-Su Borough School District within the past calendar year may be eligible to complete a Sub Update paperwork packet to become active again. Please contact the Human Resources Department at 907-746-9250 to inquire if you are within the one calendar year to be reinstated as a substitute for MSBSD.
If it has been over one calendar year since you have worked with Mat-Su Borough School District or if you have never substituted for the District and are interested in becoming a substitute, please complete and submit the new application paperwork on, located under FFY25-Classroom/School Support Staff Substitute posting, when you click on Apply. You may contact the Human Resources Department at 907-746-9250 or visit our Substitute Resource webpage for more information.
All subs are required to have a Interested Person’s Reports (IPR) that will need to be updated with Human Resources every two (2) years for non-permanent employees. The original copy of the IPR must be on file with HR prior to fulfilling the substitute role. This report is available through an Alaska State Troopers office.
Volunteer Application
Volunteers must complete a Volunteer Application and obtain an Interested Persons Report (IPR) through the Alaska State Troopers. If a volunteer has not lived in Alaska for more than five years, they must complete an FBI background check through Human Resources. If you have questions regarding the volunteer application, please contact Human Resources at