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Public Records Request

The Mat-Su Borough School District grants every individual the right to inspect any public record of the District (unless exempt from disclosure).  By submitting the form below, you agree with the following:

  • I have requested a copy of and/or access to records pursuant to the Matanuska Susitna Borough School District's Public Request Policy and Procedures found in Board Policy 1340, as well as administrative regulations located within AR 1340.
  • Additionally, if a records or information request is made that requires various alphanumeric queries to its databases, an estimate for District staff time will be provided to the requestor.  Estimates will include staff time to perform the query and review the results of such queries for responsiveness and completeness. The District processes such requests under Alaska Statute 40.25.115 (a)-(b), which states that "a public agency may provide electronic services and products involving public records to members of the public.  A public agency is encouraged to make information available in usable electronic formats to the greatest extent feasible.  The activities authorized under this section may not take priority over the primary responsibilities of a public agency.   The fee for electronic services and products must be based on recovery of the actual incremental costs of providing the electronic services and products, and a reasonable portion of the cost associated with building and maintaining the information system of the public agency.   The fee may be reduced or waived by the public agency if the electronic services and products are to be used for a public purpose, including public agency program support, nonprofit activities, journalism, and academic research.  Fee reductions and waivers shall be uniformly applied among persons who are similarly situated." 
  • Click here for a Public Records Request